the Out-Of-Office Fun! initiative had a climb+beach getaway last Sunday, thanks to our great TL Kian, who put it all together. The day started as early as 4:30 am at the Victory Liner terminal at Caloocan; Jan made herself the trip's target by arriving last several hours later. :)
At around 10:30, we were dropped off at San Antonio, Zambales and took tricycles to the jump-off point. After putting on sunblock and a round of stretching, we started the trek. The mountain's relatively a Level 0.5, so it took us just around 4 hours for the whole climb (that's going up + rest stops + singing + lunch + photo ops at peak + alaskahan + going down).
What we found on the other side of the mountain was a beach paradise waiting for us. We couldn't wait to take our fill of this isolated strip of heaven, which we practically had all for ourselves. My words would probably not do justice to the moments of utter bliss we had, so I'd let the pictures do the talking instead. More pics from the great Paul and Kian. thanks to Paul, Kian & Ronnel for posting the pics!

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