Everybody has their own 'mot-mot' (e.g. "emote-emote") time. I usually have mine during the ride home from school (er, now, I guess it's from work).
While trying desperately not to hear an over-enthusiastic cellphone call next to me, I zoned out and thought about college. I'll probably never get over the 'I-miss-UP' phase.
And who can blame me? College life truly magnified every fear I had; I never felt more incapable in my life. But it also equipped me with skills and an outlook that is priceless, probably more than I could ever fathom.
It taught me that the first step to being wise is to acknowledge that you are stupid. Being wise doesn't mean knowing the answers to everything. The trick is to know where to find the answers when you need them. Meanwhile, just learn and learn; the thirst to be educated should be insatiable and the well of knowledge is bottomless. Never waste mistakes; they probably are the best ways to learn.
Also, all my life I've been taught to play nice. But now I've learned that if you play by the rules, you get burned. Instead, play smart. Never cause another person misery on purpose though; pissing off karma is a recipe for doom. Play smart instead. Make mistakes and you'll know what I mean.
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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